Thursday, March 26, 2009

help wanted

Large yet cozy company staffed by moral, kind, interesting professionals seeking candidate for as yet unnamed position.

Ideal candidate must desire affiliation with a business that will not condone putting work before family. As such, mother of large family and expectant grandmother preferred.

Interested individual must possess strong communication skills and be fluent in languages spoken to disobedient children, husbands who want to know how much those shoes cost, and rude strangers who wonder why you have so many children. Ability to house train puppies and organize junk drawers not required.

Experience must include documented instances of: saving over $100 on a grocery order using double coupons; racing through an airport with five children, while pregnant; and praying rosary for teenagers late for curfew. Passion for doing the right thing, showing up day after day whether you feel like it or not, and washing three loads a laundry a day a plus.

Must be able to easily transition from birthday party for 13 six-year-olds to evening at Boogie Fever. Ability to keep checkbook balanced, mouth shut, and weight steady insignificant.

Ideal candidate is funny, creative, and loyal with a strong inner life. Must sincerely desire to serve others while remaining true to herself.

Pay commensurate with number of times awakened from a deep sleep to clean up vomit.

There's got to be a job out there for me, right?


Kim H. said...

I'd hire you in a second!

momto5minnies said...

Good luck Cathy. I know that day will come (probably sooner) for me to look for a *gulp* outside job.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

I say you have a resume that would give one cause to pause and REALLY consider you for a position. I sure would...Cathy

Lolo said...

I'm just wondering which teenager you needed to wait up for after curfew. It certainly was not me. :)

-Your Perfect Child

Laura said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!
Keep telling everyone you know.
I think that is a great way to find opportunities.

Laura said...

I'm thinking of you and hoping good things are coming your way.